Friday, September 29, 2006

The coral island

There are three friends on the southern most tip of cape horn. They were Jack martin, Peter king and Solomon Ronald. They were working on a coastal vessel. The three friends went to a tour on coral island that is on the Pacific Ocean. As the ship entered the tropic of Pacific Ocean it ran in to a terrible storm. The storm last for five day on the sixth day they saw the land .The ship was broken and wrecked. They had no food for two

Days. They went on the top of the highest hill to see the complete view of the island.

They saw yellow pine trees, grapes, and coconut tree. They came down and ate many furits. After their meal was over they were walking to their tent. They saw very big foot print of cannibals. On seeing the big footprint Jack Martin felt giddiness and fell down on the sand. They saw cannibals bringing four men to burn and eat on seeing that Peter king said to Jack martin and Solomon Ronald that the cannibals again and they rescue two people. They took the two people to tent and asked their name. They told that their name was Alexander and Robinson tornado. They made a group.
They saw one ship coming towards the island. They went in to the ship and saw some people were killed and the sailors and caption were tied with rope. Five people asked the caption to promise .If they rescue the people they will take them to Cape horn.

The captain promised.

They fought with the bad men and rescue the people.

They took five people to the cape horn and



Vidya said...

Welcome to the blogging world ! :D It is very interesting to see a 7th grader show interest in blogging..
I hope you have a lot of fun writing..


dumbdodi said...

very good for your age..i wish you all the success....

Balaji S Rajan said...

That is a great story. Keep it up.

golmaalgopal said...

wow...nice story dude...gud to see a budding writer coming up... :)

Jeevan said...

This story was very nice Aravind, bring it more:)

Movie Mazaa said...

U have made a very nice start indeed, and I hope to read much more from you!!

Happy Blogging!

All Is Whole said...

Dont worry budyy..i will translate and send it across soon...
till then enjoy writing........

EarthlyTraveler said...

good try on stories.continue.Have a Happy and Safe deepawali Aravind